Detection of Submunition

Finding cluster munitions or cluster bombs

Also known as cluster munitions or cluster bombs, submunition are bombs, grenades, or warheads that do not explode in one piece. After being launched from the ground or air, they can be scattered across the terrain. They often remain hidden for many years and are still a high risk for the population of many countries.

Since the end of the second world war, 21 nations have used cluster bombs in 40 different countries (Cluster Munition Monitor 2017). The Convention on Cluster Munitions ("Oslo Convention") did not go into effect until 1 August 2010. The international treaty prohibits the use, development, manufacture, trade, and storage of cluster munitions.

Currently, 99 treaty states and the Palestinian territories have pledged to comply with the conditions of the convention. Nineteen other states have signed but not yet ratified the convention. The convention also obligates the treaty states to remove residual cluster munitions from their sovereign territory within 10 years.

Worldwide, numerous humanitarian agencies are involved in clearing affected regions, thereby increasing the local population’s safety and therefore their quality of life.

For this search task, VALLON has developed special UXO firmware to detect submunition. It ignores small pieces of metal and can differentiate between ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

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